Naa Kwama Ankrah '23
08:17:04 PM
I can't hear anything
Keith Roeckle, Chair of the Performing Arts Department and Director of Instrumental Studies
08:17:57 PM
Can you hear me?
Stephanie Xu '23
08:19:44 PM
I can't hear anything either
Keith Roeckle, Chair of the Performing Arts Department and Director of Instrumental Studies
08:20:06 PM
OK, something is wrong with my microphone. Let me try something else....
Meghan Donaldson
08:21:20 PM
Working on tech now-same thing happened earlier with another webinar
Keith Roeckle, Chair of the Performing Arts Department and Director of Instrumental Studies
08:21:53 PM
Can anyone hear me talking?
Matt Campbell, Director of Theater
08:23:12 PM
Hello...Hi All
Keith Roeckle, Chair of the Performing Arts Department and Director of Instrumental Studies
08:23:38 PM
Hi Mr. Campbell!!
Keith Roeckle, Chair of the Performing Arts Department and Director of Instrumental Studies
08:26:15 PM
I'm back!
Keith Roeckle, Chair of the Performing Arts Department and Director of Instrumental Studies
08:27:08 PM
Can you hear me?
Oh, we're well, we're up to 3132 thirty 334.
Matt Campbell, Director of Theater
08:30:37 PM
Hi Mr. Roeckle!
There are a lot of people coming in tonight that's exciting.
So we're alive and we're here and welcoming everyone to learning about the arts at Lawrenceville. Thank you so much for joining us this evening. We have.
Some amazing folks who are in our corner for this webinar and I want to introduce first Matt Campbell, director of theater.
Keith is with us right now.
But come, and we have some wonderful students. This awesome.
Oh fantastic, OK, good switch browsers and everything is better. Yes, I'm back sorry.
OK, terrific, so we are alive. I just want to give it to the people who know better than anyone else what the arts are like at Lawrenceville. My name is Megan Donaldson. I am with the admission office at Lawrenceville. I'm just handing it over to the people who know best and we have some amazing students with us as well. So I would like to hand it over to Mr Campbell and Mr Rockley first just to tell us more about.
What the curtain up at Lawrenceville looks like.
OK thanks. Yes yeah no I can go. Hi everyone, everyone slammed Keith Rockleigh. I'm the current chair of the Performing Arts at Lawrenceville and I am the director of instrumental Studies. So I handle the instrumental music piece and then I sort of oversee our patchwork of a department. We have three sort of sub disciplines represented here in performing arts. If music we have theater and dance and we we have a.
Healthy amount of student involvement in all the above. So I'll talk a little bit about the music piece. Will have Mr. Campbell talk a little bit about theater piece and then he and I could both kind of chime into the dance piece and then will you know you'll hear from the horses mouth tonight from the students who are in the trenches and doing everything so.
First things first, I I'll just talk about our large ensembles. I'll move large to small so 4.
The instrumentalists we have two orchestras. We have a large what we call the Lawrenceville Philharmonic, which is a non select group and it takes that we take basically everybody who has played before. That's a group for you. It's a wonderful group. We do seating but it's a really nice warm group. They actually like to play together. It's a one hand so that's great. Out of that we pick a select group. It's our second orchestra called the Collegium and that is that it is a select group. They meet outside the other group and they they do harder stuff so.
That's that's a for those who want more of a commitment on the classical side of things. That's it. We have two jazz bands. We have the Lawrenceville Jasmine Lawrenceville lab band. The Jazz band is the upper of the two. The lab band is the for the developing student either, which can mean a lot of things. It could mean either you're new to your instrument or your jazz. You new to jazz, or both. That's great.
So last year I directed that band, but sharing has become taking more of my difficult, my responsibilities and there was a Freudian slip but but I can talk a lot about it. 'cause you know I did. Did that group for years and years and years so I know about the jazz program, the singing program, the choral program, maybe Ryan will talk more about this. We have two two at the magic number. We have a large coral presence on campus. We have a the Lawrenceville Singers which meets on Wednesday mornings which is open to all that is in an audition.
Group Mr. Palmer directs it and he has a healthy showing this year and some years. It's been very, very large and some years it's been less large. But ultimately if you want to sing, that's a great place to start. There is a select choir called the Laurentians and they meet as a class, sort of in sort of the middle of the day, and that group is relegated to Beth. It's less than 30, so it's about 28 I believe right at the moment, so those are our ensembles we also have.
We offer private instruction on virtually everything we have.
Uh, four voice teachers. We have three piano teachers. We have two violin teachers. We have one of whom is also Viola teacher. We have all the woodwinds represented, all the breasts represented, etc. We teach guitar. We teach classical guitar, you know, for whatever organ, by the way, I actually we have a school organist who we have a lovely organ in the school Chapel. If you're a pianist and he wanted to try hey there, this is your chance. Mr. Goldman is a wonderful teacher. He loves taking PS and helping them learn the.
Incidents of this school. Oregon and Oregon in general we have three acapella groups. We have a girls group of guys group in a mixed group Rouge voicemail and Larry's rouges, the girls group voicemail is the guy group. There's a pun there, you see and and the Larry's is the mixed group so those groups meet usually on Sundays, but they've been meeting and they do a lot of performing around campus in various events.
And I get everything in music and then performances will talk about later I think, but right, that's those are opportunities.
It's a it's a starting point, right? There are others, so pass things over to Mr. Campbell. He can talk about theater program and then we can sort of.
Sounds good, thank you so much Mr. Reckley, thank you so much for having me here everyone. So my name is Matt Campbell. I'm the director of theater here at The Lawrenceville School. There's a lot that we do in the feeder program here. I'll talk a little bit. I know that we we might get to talking a little bit more about classes, but I will say that in all the disciplines we do have curriculum classes that you can take in music and in visual art. And then.
Cedar as well, but when it?
That would be the piece I forgot. Sorry about that yes.
I I figured we might just still in that, but I mentioned that only because as a as a springboard into what we do in our Co curricular program, so much like the music ensembles that were just mentioned are big feeder Co curricular club or group is the paranoid club that paranoid club has been apart of Lawrenceville for well over 125 seasons. Actually this year we're celebrating 129 seasons and it is an organic group of interested students that want to get the engaged with leading.
Acting in teching. Supporting the theatrical events that we have at school here at Lawrenceville. So there are a lot of ways to get involved in it and we meet you at whatever level of interest that you might have and that's why we offer so many different performance opportunities throughout the year for that.
We just successfully wrapped up an amazing fall production of musical. We did the Addams family this past fall, which was wonderful to kind of get back on stage as we've been observing smart, you know, and safe constraints as we go through this time period, but we were able to put on a really successful production of a musical in the fall. We have several other performance opportunities, smaller ones, that we go into the winter. Two big ones. Will that I would like to highlight our we have a winter Fest one Act play series, in fact.
Auditions for that for tonight, and they're also continuing tomorrow. And students who are interested in directing can apply, and those select directors then cast their productions for two evenings of one act. Plays that go up in the middle of the winter term towards the end of the winter term. We have our second only second, I'm sorry. Second form Shakespeare production and this year we're doing the winter's tale. So it's a Shakespeare play that has been slightly edited down, but it's.
It's exclusively for the second form, so it's a great way to get involved in a bit of classical Shakespeare, but also work do a co-ed event. That's that's theater based in the winter term, and that comes at the very end of the term in the spring and the spring we are bringing back at least this year of production spring play, and we're doing our town this year, which just so happened to be the play that we read as a school over the summer. As we came back celebrating 100 years since the playwright Thornton Wilder taught here as a French teacher.
Years ago, so we're bringing back a what is one of the big staples of American American theater which is our town in the spring. One of the things that we do in the theater program that is a small way of getting involved. If you're not sure, you kind of want to get into it for performers, and that is a reading series as well. We do a play a term where students who want to be part of a show, but maybe their schedules don't allow or want to hear another another voice. And so we bring together 3 readings, one for each term.
Technical Theatre, of course by by proxy is huge. We have a really robust technical theatre program, so students who are interested in lighting or costumes or scenery or sound even some of the more kind of smaller disciplines in technical theater like projection. There's opportunities to get involved in that, and each one of our productions is supported by the students. One thing I was sharing this evening with some second farmers was, as we did a little tour of our Kirby Art Center was was.
The fact that in all of the production work that we do where students get involved in our Co curricular programs.
The students are are are, yes, they're performing, but they're also running the thing as much as the adults are there supervising and very much have had hands in the process when it comes to the actual productions. It's the students who are running the show, and that's the kind of collaborative theater education that we want to provide at Lawrenceville, and that Parapara we club prides itself on so lots of opportunities there, both in the classroom and outside, and I know I'm throwing a lot of terms out there, but whatever level you're interested in, whether it's.
And technical feeder or or an acting or in directing or some venue or some area within theater. There's an opportunity for you to get involved at Lawrenceville in big ways and small.
Before I ramble too much further, because we do want to talk a little bit about getting our student voices in here. Maybe miss directly you and I can can talk a little bit about classes and talk about dance program and together.
Yeah, that's it. Yeah, so at at Lawrenceville, depending on your entering term, you do have to fill out an arts class requirement or Co curriculars do not satisfy that requirement. You actually must take a physical class if you enter as a second form, you have to take three terms. If you enter as a third former have take two terms. If you enter as a fourth or fifth term student, it's one term. Now if you enter as a second form, we put everybody into what we call foundations of art and you have three options. With that, you can take visual art. You take theater, you can take music.
And that satisfies two of your three arts classes. You start those in the winter and in the foundations program we cover broad, broad topics in theater. Well, I won't speak for Mr. Campbell, but in music we cover. We cover music theory. We cover musicianship, we cover performance and also as a part of that, you're actually expected to participate in one of the Co curriculars, one of the the questions I saw the pre canned questions was you know, can you still do music and do another?
Meghan Donaldson
08:43:48 PM
Thank you so much for joining us this evening. If you have any questions, please submit them here.
The answer is yes, and this is actually how you do it. So if you are interested in being stay in the orchestra but you want to take visual art, yes, you may do that. You can take visual orders, your class and you would take orchestras or cocurricular if you are a theater person, you can kind of well. You have actually probably the most flexibility you can do theater as a Co curricular or as a class and do the other one for music whatever. So the options are there for you to sort of.
I won't say you know, pick your own way or, you know, playing your own way, but you know you can tailor your interests to your class. Work there as you ascend through the ranks of foundations and into your sophomore year, you'll take a class and your sophomore year, depending upon, and you'll have some options there. That's where some of the electives start to kick in our honors music theory. Sequenced kicks in there. Which, if any, of you have designs on the AP test? That's the course for you. It's not officially branded.
In AP class, but it is. I'm an AP certified teacher. I'm a reader blah blah blah. All that good stuff and I've been teaching it for probably since much longer than you've been alive. So that's there's that. And then we have also a multitude of what we call interdisciplinary courses. If you look at our course guide and graduation requirements, you will have to take like mug. Likely most of you will have to take two what we call interdisciplinary courses and we offer quite a few in the performing arts. So look at the course guide. It's it's.
Document you can trust and we don't have next year's up yet, but there aren't generally huge changes from one year to the next, so you can look at last years. You can get an idea for what's coming down the Pike. So Mr. Campbell, you wanna talk about theater?
Sure, yes and and and as miss directly pointed out, the foundations of theater classes or explorations of theater classes. They cover an introduction to acting to seen studies to directing. We introduce you to a member of terms relating to theatrical design and you try to offer a smattering of the tools that you will use to provide those opportunities to kind of hook in or hone in on interest. Students that come in who are very, you know, specific to acting, will be able to focus on that, but there also.
Ryan Kanungo '22
08:45:52 PM
Here is the course catalog for anyone who is curious to see the course offerings in the performing arts and visual arts:
We offered opportunities to like, well, let's try custom design or let's let's lean into direction as the classes move on. From there, you can specialize in maybe stagecraft design. That's the actual design. There's an acting directing course as well that you can continue to take if directing is is kind of your your kind of where you want to go to. And as Mr Buckley mentioned, there are also a number of the of interdisciplinary classes we can go into more specialized electives. We have a member of classes from.
Looking at the Life and Times of Galileo to mythological feeder to dramaturgy and and that might be a good way to segue to jump over 'cause we do have a. We have a course in choreography as well, it might say.
And our dance program is very active. We just wrapped up an amazing October dance series. It was live streamed and seen also in person. It was a wonderful showing of many of our dance ensembles on campus and the kind of professional track that would say that we do with our with our students. The kind of elite team of dancers that we have. I know that I should mention that Mr. Wilder is the director of the theater per I'm sorry of the dance program and he along with several other dance instructors.
Read a number of the dance groups. Some student LED, some faculty lead.
Yeah, and dance is unique in that you can do it as a Co curricular offering or extra curricular thing. But you can also do it as an athletic offering. There are dense courses that meet in the afternoon and that can take up. It's basically a lifetime level of theirs. Or if you if you're not familiar with our athletic terms, there's varsity, JV, Junior, Varsity, there's house. And then there's lifetime so they fulfill a lifetime level of.
No, and then both. Yes, we should.
I did not mention impulse comedy troupe, but I I shall.
The impulse impulse is also another. Another underpinning with Periwig, a standup improv group that does 3 performances in a given year, which is so much fun. We have one coming up on Saturday.
Well, I think why don't we pass it actually to the students now, since they probably they're tired of hearing us.
And the students are waiting there quite patiently. I see. So why did I have no plan to start but?
I'll just kick it off. Hey Ryan, why don't Ryan? Why don't you talk a little? You're in several the music ensembles, and selfishly, my own theory class, but why don't you talk a little bit about like music allegro and student life in music?
Sure, no problem. What's up guys? My name is Ryan. I'm from Edison, NJ. I amidase tune in upper and and yeah just like Mr. Just like Mr Rock Lee said I'm I'm in part of a few music ensembles icing in the Laurentians I'm vice president of the Electric Council which is our Music council in Lawrenceville and I am the outreach director of an initiative with in collaboration with other make schools called Happy Notes.
And so so just to talk a little bit about Laurentians. Typically so regarding like singing opportunities since that, that is my specialty.
When you come in as a freshman, you're able to you're able to go into the program called Lawrenceville Singers. And typically they would meet every morning on Wednesdays at 8 for about an hour just every week. But, and that that's for freshman for sophomore. For once, if you go, if you come into your sophomore year, typically from sophomores, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, they would be part of Laurentian stats that scores within. That is, of course, within the school year regarding extra.
Regular activity regarding extracurriculars and singing. There's as Mr. Roughly at said, there's a voicemail that's the acapella. There's Rouge. That's the female acapella and Larrys. It's co-ed. And yeah, I mean, that's I guess I mean, I guess that's basically. I mean, that's basically for singing, singing, wise of it.
Well, we have don't forget the musical right. The full musical is a great opportunity and you know we have other singing opportunities. You know with the Broadway cabaret we have in there are hosts of other sort of individual performance opportunities as far as ensembles. Yeah Brian, that's pretty much it, right?
Uh, yeah, that's that's wonderful. Hey Nacoma, would you like to?
Since she's I know she's she takes private lessons, but she's also an actress and.
Thank you all for definitely show.
She can talk about a lot, so go ahead.
Very important is really important role.
Well, maybe, maybe not. Comma only 'cause you brought up and I could see Stephanie. You bonding and I know Scarlett as the Rep maybe will come to you at the end. But Steph made me Stephanie. Maybe you'll talk to you 'cause I could see you in Tacoma having a moment there thinking about second form shakes in your ears. So go for it. Tell tell what you're doing.
Yeah so hi everyone, I'm Stephanie. I'm am a junior in the Carter House, so this is my third year at Lawrenceville, so I did freshman Shakespeare as well. I was the stage manager, so also working as part of tech and kind of behind the scenes. But freshman Shakespeare was really fun time, UM, and outside of freshman Shakespeare I've done some more stage management work for a pretty big in general.
I'm also directing for Winterfest this year, so it's super exciting. Lots of opportunities to get involved.
You are the assistant stage manager for the fall production, which was huge. You did so much work.
And maybe, maybe we'll go ahead and select it.
I was gonna say baby but will pivot to Scarlett here and her experience.
Dance and many other things with you.
Can you guys hear me or yes? OK, I'm scarlet and I am a senior and I am the arts Rep on Student Council this year. So basically I work to represent all arts on the Senior Student Council, about nine people basically in that position I get to coordinate arts events and advocate just for all general areas arts on campus and this also being this position makes me one of the leaders of the Arts Council which is a selected group of around 15.
Students who work to also help plan these arts events and you know, advertised for the arts and it's kind of acts as a home base for all artists and and also on that Council we get to host all arts nights, which usually have been around three times a year, depending on the year. But basically all art science or just opportunities for all arts clubs and just people who want to get a chance to perform seeing impulse.
Improve group has also performed and a bunch of musicians, so it's just an all around night for the arts. And in addition to that, the Council comes up with new ideas for events and justice helps manage the arts. Instagram as well. And aside from that, this year I'm the dance captain of Lawrenceville dance team, which is our competitive jazz and contemporary team. It's actually even gone to competitions outside of school before, which is really cool. Hopefully I get to do that again. Finally, after Kovid and I guess just a little bit more about dance.
'cause that's something I've been really heavily involved with since my freshman year. So basically you can choose to do dance in a lot of different areas at Lawrenceville, so you can take it as your sports requirement actually so you can take it in beginner, intermediate or advanced. So it's kind of open to all sorts of dancers, no matter your experience, and so that is around three to four times a week, and then that will take up your sports lot. But in addition to that, you want to get even more involved and have performance opportunities. You can join any of our dance groups so.
Of swabey, which is our Latin dance group, we have fro beats are African dance group. Tour de Force are kind of hip hop group L Cruz, another pop St dance group. We have naturally which is our Indian dance group and then LDT. As I said, the competitive jazz and then we have lived which is a little bit different from those other dance groups. So all the groups I just listed are student run. So all the student captains get to choreograph organized rehearsals.
So it's really great way for students to be leaders in the arts as well. And then L C C as I just mentioned is actually very new. I believe it was my software so it's been around for two years now and that is our dance company. So if you are a very experienced dancer and really want to get involved, that is going to be around three to four times a week in addition to taking dance to your sports lot so it's super form. It's kind of like a company. They get warm on campus during our October dance series.
And I think just one in January and April, so lots of performers opportunities on campus to be on the stage and then also in the past you performed off campus. So when I was a sophomore in LSCC preformed at Bristol Myers Squibb, The Nutcracker which was super fun. So yeah, there's tons of different ways. Get involved and LSCC is also like ballet, jazz, modern, all sorts of dance. So yeah.
Snaps to everybody. Yeah yeah, well done.
Scarlet question came up just while you were speaking about ballet point, but you mentioned that that that is an opportunity, right?
Yes, so if you take dance as a sport we have ballet. I think it's once a week now. It used to be twice a week. I don't know if it's going to change in the future but.
It may go back up. It may go back up to two, yeah?
Yeah, it's it's. It's unclear. But basically if you are experienced with flat or point with ballet, you have the opportunity to take that class on either of those and LSCC does dew point as well.
God, thank you so much for saying that because that is a question I get asked almost every day and I did not know the answer, so I appreciate that even though I work at the school.
Well, I'll jump in and and and encourage everybody to come. You know we have clips of all of our performances on the school's YouTube channel and several of the previous dance performances are on their selfishly. The one we did with a live orchestra with our orchestra students is on there. It was from the snow scene from The Nutcracker is up, and that was mostly on point. And things like that. But we also have clips from Winterfest up there. We have clips from.
There used to be there was an impulse clip floating around there very recently. We have clips from midday music. If you're interested in seeing an actual performance, it's tough in the time of Kovid and I was looking at where people are from. You know, I see someone from Hawaii and Ghana and New Zealand. My goodness, you know that's wonderful to see you here. I understand that you may not be able to get to campus to see one of our performances. That's reasonable, but I would say go into schools, YouTube channel and and check out what you can see. 'cause it's you know that it's an honest representation of what we have.
Who is joining us? I will tell you you've got two of the most talented people I know who run these programs. Matt and Mr. Campbell and Mr. Rockley sorry I have to do the Mr I.
Kids with kids students, wouldn't you say like, don't you feel so blessed to have these guys in your lives that they're leading these programs? I mean, it's it's incredible and I get asked questions everyday by people and I'm seeing some of these. Do you ever offer master classes with visiting theater artists and professionals? That's a question.
We have yeah, in the before times. Obviously it's much more difficult. During COVID we were not allowed to bring anybody to campus actually, but I'm thinking I know in 2019.
And his name is escaping me right now. Look it up in my email. He was on the touring cast of Hamilton. He was a friend of one of our voice teachers. He came in and he did a workshop clinic with actually that was open to the whole school. So yeah, we we try and do that. We try and bring people around to campus as much as we can. Oftentimes allegro will sponsor.
Sometimes Periwig will sponsor them. Things like that. So yeah, we do try and do that and you know, we're we. Also, we try and take advantage of our geography. I mean we have professional theatre companies right in our backyard were 40 minutes from Philly. I actually drive in from Philly everyday. You know, we're really not that far. So we take kids into New York all the time too.
We try and get people to hear the orchestra. We try and go to the opera. We try and go to the Broadway show. Of course, like things like that, we have an alum who is touring with Haiti's town. At the moment, we're hoping to get a trip down to Philly to catch him when he's in town. We feel pretty good about that one. Obviously, for for a lot of reasons.
He was in Cinderella, which I think you can find on YouTube clips of it. So yes, so yeah.
But the question that comes up a lot for both Mr. Campbell and Mr. Rockley.
Do you have to be seasoned to start in any program that we have? I would argue you do not. You could, you could.
Right now you don't actually right. We have different points of entry for everybody. What we say in the reason we have, you know, six large ensembles and the reason we have a multitude of these things so that we can match you on your level where you're coming in and then we can get you to the next level. We're about to launch a new website and the theme for our performing arts and it is, you know, where do you want to go and you know will help you go there is is kind of how it works. In music is a little. I mean we it's we have gotten beginners.
To come in and start in the private instruction program and learn from the ground up and then do get to, you know, get into the ensembles and things like that. But I would say you know there are low stakes way to get involved. You know if you've always wanted to play the guitar perfect time. If you've always wanted to learn to play piano for yourself, perfect time. You've got great instructors here. Will be happy to take a beginner things like that. If you've never you've never sewn address before. Well go down to the costume shop. They'll be happy to teach you, in fact.
Be thrilled that you're there. They they love having people help down there so you know. I would say you know you'll time is precious at Lawrenceville I won't light on that. But if you are, you know, targeted and you were driven. You can find your way into just about anything.
Mr. Campbell, you want to piggyback on that.
I I said I said, I mean as a as a as a young high school. So what's the better place to like? Kind of figure out what you want to do and where you want to go and see yourself. But in high school. And so the reason as Mr Rocky said for the largeness of our opportunities and ensembles or performance productions that we have is is so that.
At some point you can try out something and see if it's your thing and wherever you students come in with with a mix of life experiences, whether it's on stage or off stage, and some come in. Just, you know, I've never tried this before and that spirit of wanting to try it out though, is the thing that we've nurture and and so you will meet you on any level. Like I mentioned, we do a few with one form specific second form production for entering freshmen, so to provide a space that seems a little bit more easy.
I'm on the group, but I'm following that there's a lot more opportunities to get involved no matter what you'd like to do.
Yeah, and one of the sort of pre submitted questions was you know what opportunities are there for second formers and the answer is all of them with the exception of the Laurentians chorus. And that's purely a scheduling issue. It's not because we don't want freshman in there or anything, it's just it's because of how freshman schedules are set up, but other all the other groups are open to all other to all students. And yeah, we've had second formers place right into the upper orchestra and.
Land 3 ensembles right off the bat it does happen and you know if you come in with a great degree of experience. Obviously we're not going to let you go. We're going to. We're going to meet you where you need to be met and then get you to the next level.
Yeah, and that was a question that just came up with 10 second Form students participated in musical.
The musical is another one was so. The second from participates a funny word. Second form, students can participate in it, however, their their participation is a little bit limited. The typically we hold auditions and again, it's not because we don't like second formers. In fact, we love second formers. We need second farmers. Yes.
That's ninth grade for people who don't know that.
Yes, I'm sorry. Yeah yeah. For the rest of the world is 9th grade right? But we need new students because otherwise none of this stuff works. So you know we want you to be involved as possible. But second form students can be involved, typically behind the scenes and in cases of extreme dedication I shall say I'll take them in the pit orchestra as well, but for the performers it's a. It's an enormous time commitment because it's a very short turn around schedule and we have found that getting to Lawrenceville.
Adjusting to Lawrenceville's and 14 year old prevent provides a lot of challenges, you know, and in many, many ways that it's just not fair to second formers to. Also then demand that they you know devote 15 hours a week to the to a production. So we just kind of say that's great. Demonstrate your interest in freshman Shakespeare and then come back and see us. You know, in when we do auditions in the in the spring.
The other that so those are the really only two cases. Everything else is pretty wide open, So what I'd say is you know, talk to people and then new. Particularly what I always say is talk to your prefix.
If you don't know who your prefect is in the in your house, where ever, even if you're a day student, you'll have a prefect in your houses and they are seasoned Lawrenceville professionals and they can give you really great opportunity and they'll tell you who to talk to and they can give you really great advice and guide the way for you to get involved or come and speak to an adult we like caring for kids.
Anybody you know Scarlett or Ryan or Nakoma do you? Do you have any true Nuggets that you would say with these great leaders? You know what was? What was your favorite thing that has happened so far in your arts experience?
Yeah, I mean. I mean you, you can make fun of them too. No, I'm kidding.
Alright, so this isn't really related to. I guess the correct like arts curriculum in a way, but we do have a lot of opportunities for students to perform either like musical or sing or dance who aren't necessarily affiliated with any group. So we have a lot of performance in school meeting, which I really love seeing. We have our own campus band, The Disciples. That's actually been going strong for a few years now and it's always great to see students who you never. Yeah who use it until you never really.
That would be like an amazing singer or musician perform in the middle of the OR in front of the whole school. Or we have a lot of performance at the bathhouse, and our own school cafe. So that's always really great to see students kind of get out of their comfort zone in that way, and I think it's really great way to get involved in the arts. Community is just putting yourself out there during those more like Lowkey involvement.
Amid midday music, Keith, right.
Red yeah, midday music is. Yeah we it's a well. We have two actually and one is coming up. We have allegro shows once a term that the Allegro Plan Council sponsors is one coming up Saturday and that's for students. Who are, you know, I don't wanna say doing something more on the popular spectrum, but it just typically tends to be that although we've had classical pieces on that as well and a lot of actually a lot of jazz has been showing up on that list, which is great.
It's an individual thing rather than an ensemble thing, but then yes, of course midday music. Midday music is like I don't wanna say more serious, but it tends to be a little more buttoned down. That's if you have, you know, a movement of a Sonata, you know, concerto, movement or something. Here you have a a Broadway rubbing musical piece. You have an Aria, something like that that you would like to perform. That's the place for that, and then we will set you up within the company so we have two and a half really great companies signed the half we have.
So if you draw the short straw, you might get me, but again, you know, check on the schools you do. We have a lot on there and you can see what that's about. We it's a really nice way to have it and spend a Friday afternoon, yeah?
Even Ryan went to highlight for you.
Yeah, I was actually just going to talk about it. God, there's so many, I think I think one thing for me is that I feel like it's gone under the cards. I know that we were actually we were supposed to. We were actually supposed to do this last year, but then it got cancelled. It's actually lessons and carols, which which usually happens every Turkey term, typically towards the end, right before we go on to winter break.
That basically is is that Laurentians are the ones that sings and we are the ones that saying and there's a lot of prayers that are done. There are a lot of prayers that are done and it's a way to gather the community together. I mean, I know that typically this is supposed to be an annual event, but I've only experienced this once and it was only in my sophomore year junior year. I couldn't experience it, but senior year I think it is going to happen. I mean, fingers crossed, we hope so. But yeah, when I actually did it in sophomore year, I felt like it was. It felt so divine.
I honestly couldn't fault. I don't they couldn't fault so much happier at that time it was. It was a credit cutting people, I think just to touch on like some of the other opportunities for a performance is like I know Mr Ali had mentioned in midday. Music is a lot more. Button down love or formal allegro is more laid back but I think some other opportunities that there's like really laid back. I would say there's all our tonight which typically in the spring and one and I think one of those favorite concerning music festival that would be another one.
There's a lot more performances there. I know it's a. It's another great way to get the community together. So yeah, there are a lot of opportunities for our musical Princess. And yet, if you guys have any questions with music with music or anything like that, I'm very open to talk about it.
Comma do you want to mention? I don't, I I'm putting you on the spot but like I I remember one of the first opportunities I've got to know you. Was you performing just singing? I think it was an electric shower like that. Like all of your first year so I don't know if you want to share anything to build off of what Ryan and Mr Rock Lee said about Allegra shows or or anything like that if you'd like.
His cabaret, yeah, that's right, yeah.
Ryan Kanungo '22
09:12:34 PM
If you would like to talk to me about music at Lawrenceville or music in general, my email is :)
And a marvelous and a marvelous Winterfest performance.
I'm just there. There was one other question to which I don't know the answer. Hip hop and acrobatics.
Uh, actually. So Scarlett can probably talk about that. We do one of the groups does do hip hop. Go ahead, yeah?
Yeah, uhm, yeah. So we have L crew which is mainly hip-hop and St. Jazz and then we have a Tour de Force which does something similar, so I'm not quite sure the extent in which acrobatics is.
Tide into there, but we do have a lot of past gymnasts who do kind of incorporate that within most of our dance groups, so there's nothing like an opportunity to display that kind of ability through the dance program.
In years past, there have been some dance, some dance routines and different performances that have had all goodness. I remember a lot of swing dancing number that in a lot of flipping and so far, and that's not necessarily acrobatics, but it's certainly gymnastic.
Well, I have to say thank you all so much.
I'm an alum of the school. I'm a parent and I work for the school. I learned so much this evening and I'm sure everyone else did as well. I can't thank you all enough so much for your time and thank you everyone who has.
Has tuned in for this webinar.
If you would like to learn more this you can reach out to any of us at anytime and we would be happy to answer answer specific questions. But thank you so much for being here.
Yeah, let me yeah, can I?
I we lost a couple but Ryan Scarlet comma. Thank you so much Mr Campbell Mr Rock Lee you have this coming your bank tomorrow.
Yeah, can I come just for yeah, 'cause oftentimes students will ask about, you know, do I need to audition for the school? And the answer is no, you don't. Actually we, you know we're not a performing arts school but what I say is you know if students would like to. If you have a video of you performing and you would like to share it with me, I'm happy to to look. I look at everything that comes across my desk so you know please. Please please reach out with specific questions. If you have a.
Scarlett Tapiero '22
09:15:21 PM
^^ my email is !!
YouTube link if you parlaying that's great. Send it along. I don't need 30 but if you have, you know two or three really good ones. That's great. I would be happy to look at it for you and 'cause it's always good to know who's coming in the door. Actually, it's one of the great benefits of.
Working with admissions is you get to see you get to know what's coming.
and you can also send it to. I can put it in the in our chat. It's supplemental materials at
Keith Roeckle, Chair of the Performing Arts Department and Director of Instrumental Studies
09:15:47 PM
Please reach out to me if you have music questions:
Is the way to go with that, but thank you all so much and again we are. We are always open for questions. We are. We are so happy that you're interested in Lawrenceville and thank you all for being here this evening.
Hope to see you all in the future.
Matt Campbell, Director of Theater
09:16:10 PM
Same for theatre questions:
Same here, hope to see you soon. See you on the stage.
Hopper Pass will cross again.