Gregory and Cereesa Lacey P'25
08:23:00 PM
Hello, can you see me?
That is quite alright. I I've just been. I'm just so happy to see your face is everyone. So this is great. And Steve and Rebecca. If you just click the little camera button that looks like the you know old Atari symbol for a camera in the far left. That and that should. That ought to do it. Hopefully that works. I hope the link.
But our panelists are joining us in their streaming in, and now we're at 36 participants. And so we'll welcome them in while we wait for Steve and Rebecca to log back on.
Oh yes, the lighting is fantastic.
Conrad and Rebecca Plimpton P'25
08:30:56 PM
Technical difficulties. Sorry!
So we are going to wait a little bit longer for our next set of panelists up good evening, ladies and gentlemen and families who are joining us. We want to thank you so much for logging in for our second information session of the evening. Some of you were at the 7:30 session and so we welcome you to our second Sunday Double feature of the first year. Parents tell all and I have a fantastic lineup of parents here for you this evening to talk about their experience overall as first your parents.
There are certainly not new to the process, but they are new to boarding school in a way and they have some really great answers for you. I know some of you have sent in questions earlier and we'll get to those as well. The chat is open and so if there's some additional questions that you are thinking about, please put them into the question.
And or into the chat function, or into the questions and I'll try to answer those as we go along, while my other families are just getting themselves organized. I just want to give you a few messages from our office. We are still accepting scheduling an interview appointments, so if you haven't done so already, please please, please schedule your interview. We are doing online appointments as well as some in person ones in December by January.
We will only do online appointment so your last chance to get an in person interview will be in December so please make arrangements to either junior in person or your online interview with us. In addition to that, just a reminder, we do require that if you want to tour you have to schedule the tour in addition to the interview. They're two separate options for you, so it's important that you schedule your.
Interview and then your tour separately. Some families have been very great about coming back on another day because the tour wasn't available. So for that we apologize. But if your or your primary focus should be your tour, if you can lead with that, we'll be happy to get you settled on a tour. Just a few other reminders this week, all of our students are in exams starting on Tuesday. Is that right? Kids start their exams Tuesday. Yes, so Tuesday. Tomorrow's reading day Tuesday. So just know if you do.
Camborne and Exam week or an essay TJ or PS 80 day tours will be very limited. This Pat McKinnon will do her very best to get you that information, but just please be flexible with us as you schedule your tours and just confirm by calling to say well. I have a lot of tour guide or is there are there any student matters that are prohibiting towards but for the most part will make sure that you get your tour all right. We are up to 91. I feel like that's a comfortable.
A space to land right now, or at least cover for the next hour or so, and we are thrilled to get this started. So good evening. My name is Dana Brown, director of admission and tonight.
Is the first year parents tell all that's right, ladies and gentlemen, this is where you can ask all of those interesting questions, but this is where I get to pick my absolute favorite families to come online and tell you all about their admission process, what it was like to go through where you are right now, but also talk about homesickness and how to coparent mid distance of whether they are day student or border. We have a nice mix of families from this online to away from a variety of different.
Parts of the US, and so we will be our first of many conversations for parents to get a little bit more comfortable about this process of applying, but also what that means when they were admitted and how to Co parent from a distance and manage the day-to-day. So I'm gonna start talking and a lot of parents to introduce themselves. Tell them, tell you, can tell us a little bit about your family, your your child, and where you're from and we're gonna start with the Russells.
Liz G.
08:34:53 PM
We had an online interview, should we also schedule an in-person interview. Will there be any disadvantages from not having an in person interview?
Fantastic, I will introduce us. Thank you so much. Miss Brown absolute pleasure to be here. My name is Sean Russell is my wife Natalie Russell. Our son Anthony is a second former. He's actually a 2006 birth year but he is repeating the starting again in the ninth grade. We are from Toronto, Canada and love the fact that we have this opportunity to have our son learn abroad.
Thank you so much and Lacey family.
Dana Brown
08:35:51 PM
Liz --- keep the online interview -- there's no difference between in person or online . At this point, my team loves online interviews. You will be Fine.
Dana Brown
08:36:16 PM
Plimpton's we can't see you
Dana Brown
08:36:30 PM
I am sure we could hear you.
Very much and we'll get back to Anthony's accolades as well. 'cause I know he's done a number of different things to this is the best part about doing his panel. You keep up with all your favorite development and all, you're you're. You're the best. All right and not only the Conrad, I mean the Clinton family. Steven Rebecca. How are you guys doing?
We can totally hear your voice is amazing.
Well for some reason I haven't been able to get the video working, so I don't know if you can see me, but I'm what I see is a black screen, so apologies.
That's OK, we can. We can try a few things and and but you can go ahead and introduce yourself. We can totally hear you.
OK, well my formal name is Conrad. I go by Steve. It's a little confusing. It's just it's just me tonight Rebecca couldn't join me but my we we are unusual. I think what certainly on this panel and that we live in Lawrenceville. So our boy Teddy is a second former, of course and he is. We live close enough that he's able to walk to school, so he's obviously a day student. Although he doesn't walk every day.
So, uhm, what other? What, what else did you? What other information did you want me to provide, Dana?
Yes, please Steve tell us about some of Teddy's favorite classes. Do you have any pilots this season?
Yes, so well, I I gotta say that we've really heard no bad things, so I think he's very much enjoying enjoying the experience in terms of.
Favorite classes you know. I'm gonna say he really he really seems to love math.
Uhm, I'm hearing a phone. I don't think that's mine, but anyway, he seems he seems to enjoy math. I think the the feedback we've gotten from the teacher is. He's enthusiastic enough going going up to the board to show his thought process that if anything he needs to share the marker more. So I think that's a good sign. And other than that, I mean, you know we don't see as much as him as we saw when he was before he started Lawrenceville, which I think is a good sign because he's very much.
You know, loving the loving spending time with his friends and and in classes.
That's great awesome. Well thank you so much, Steve. We appreciate it if you get a chance. There's another at the very top of your screen. You might see a camera button and a a mute audio button and another mute video button. Maybe press the broadcast button that's on the floor left. Maybe that'll work.
Yeah, I'll try to problem solve this. Thank you, sorry, sorry. Thanks for bearing with me.
No problem, no problem. Thank you so much, alright, so let's get started and families I want you to think back to this time last year, right? It's hard to believe it's only been a year. It's felt like five with COVID and everything else. But Sean and Natalie. Can you describe your experience with the boarding school application process when you were beginning this whole journey?
Thank you miss Browner. And you know, I think the process if I think back a year ago, I'm not going to lie. It was daunting. It felt that if the process was hefty, both for Anthony and for the parents, but it was extensive and I think as we work through the process, it was just about preparation and being able to.
Ansh L.
08:40:04 PM
Hi Ms Brown, thanks so much for hosting these sessions! They are very helpful!
Really mind be mindful of dates of what was required and being prepared.
Dana Brown
08:40:30 PM
Ansh -- welcome back .. good to have you hear !
And so it was really about building being organized and having conversations as a family about what we needed to do together to support our child and what our child needed to do. So what were the expectations? And really, I think you know how we manage the process as a family was really breaking it down into every week. And how were we going to accomplish this?
Dana Brown
08:40:52 PM
sorry .. here ...
Amongst the you know, the next two months. So if we were sitting here in November 20, 2020, what was the task that we needed to accomplish and that included everything from reaching out to teachers and coaches on behalf of Anthony and Anthony as well. Being able to have conversations in terms of you know, the interviews and being able to prepare our child for what the interviews would look like. It was a new process obviously, and.
Conrad and Rebecca Plimpton P'25
08:41:21 PM
I keep trying to hit the broadcast button, but it's not working. Sorry! I'll keep trying.
Dana Brown
08:41:34 PM
that's okay --Steve....
You know, I'm very proud of these children being able to go through this process and have these conversations as adults. You know, it's almost a job interview type process and I know myself at that age of you know, 15 I don't even know if if we could have done it, but so very proud of the way that they've handled them him. He's handled himself through that process, but I think being prepared, breaking it down into little chunks to be able to accomplish that.
Whatever those tasks are weekly to ensure that.
Dana Brown
08:41:46 PM
We can hear your voice and that's perfect -- don't you worry ...
Not only where we were prepared, but obviously our child was prepared and I think you know, being able to do that and take small bites was very helpful throughout the process.
Great and and Lacey family. I know that you having to do this from Chicago and also you both. I should also point out that all of the parents here. You all did this sight unseen right? 'cause you didn't have the advantage of coming to campus and doing a tour. And so for the laceys you describe for me what your process was like. Particularly on that piece of trying to identify what's how the school is the right fit when you didn't get a chance to see it.
OK, well Eli was. It was 100% driven honestly by Eli from the very beginning and for complete transparency I will say that Greg and I were still kind of like we're not sure we're gonna send our 14 year old, you know. But if you are so driven go on and at least fill out the application. That's really where we were and we divided it up. Just like Natalie said and kind of did. Like an assembly line.
Type approach eel. I filled out the application.
You know, as much as he could then Greg came in on the second tier and he did edits and put in our personal information that Eli wouldn't know and I was kind of the closer if you will. You know, I looked at it at that point and went over everything, and so that's how we approach the entire application process. But it is quite lengthy, but it was also very I remember feeling so good about looking at Eli.
Through the process of him doing his essay and things that he was writing and saying that I was like, wow, really, that's I didn't know you felt that way about X or I. Did you know? So it was it spurred a lot of conversation between us. But I, I totally agree divvy it up. Uhm, it depends on your child. For us it was child driven and we were a support team to him. If you will, especially in the beginning. And he was just convinced.
On Lawrenceville he had his specific reasons why he wanted to go to Lawrenceville. It did not matter if he works, it's not on the campus. He showed us all the the virtual, you know, videos.
And we kind of went with his flow honestly.
I'm gonna shift over to Steve for a moment because I want to bring him in on the on the day perspective because in this area there are a lot of we're fortunate to have options throughout this Mercer County area and certainly for the families Brussels and Lacey's to you all have tons of incredible options but for day families in particular Steve can you tell us what drove your?
Process a little bit, but why Lawrenceville for Teddy?
Yeah, and and can you still hear me? OK 'cause I'm I'm OK good good, sorry I'm failing miserably on the camera. I don't know why I do video calls every day, but for some reason it's decide not to work. So great question Dana. I mean we to your point here in Mercer County and you know, I, I don't know, you know so well the Toronto or Chicago areas in terms of schools. But I can say in the in the Mercer County area. I mean, there's certainly plenty of grade schools you, you sort of, you just can't go wrong.
So in our view, is really about finding you know, a school that Teddy and and we felt was the best fit for him and it was a tough call. I mean, there's there's good schools around here and they all have different things to offer. I mean, we're in a bit of an unusual situation. And then as I said, we live across the street so that Ted, you know, really knew the school very well. Growing up spent a lot of time on their Full disclosure.
I'm biased because I'm an alum. I graduated in 93, but that was not. I guess there's this stereotype of the heavy handed along trying to get their kid to go there. I promise you that wasn't me. I've really wanted it to be. You know, Ted's own decision. But just by dint of the fact that I'm going along, you know he did come with me to campus to see sporting events. And you know. So for him, there was just a familiarity with the school.
Uhm, so again I you know, I know we're a bit of an unusual case, but we really did look very hard at other schools locally. And there are great schools. It was just a it was more I think for him. Mostly 'cause I think we we would have supported him if he chose wanted to go to a different school. I think more than anything it was, it was just to feel that he and he did go to. Also. This did the Summer Scholars program which gave him a very good feel academically of what I would like to be.
What it would be like to be a student at Lawrenceville? I do think the standout was the Harkness method and also the challenge of the academic rigor. He was ready for the next level and I think he really did craved. You know more of a challenge. And Lawrenceville, I'll tell you what they fit the bill on that front. It is a challenging school academically. A lot of work.
So did I answer your question OK, Dana?
That's perfect, Steve. You you definitely answered that and you also sort of give us a lead into the next one. It's about the feel right for these places and you I I want to ask the the boarding parents you know why did you all choose Lawrenceville? And then the next question is how are you managing life from a distance right now that they're out of the house and you've got to set times to call and do all those things. What are some of the things that you have been able to implement?
As a family, to keep up with your children while their child is while they're away at school, Natalie, I'll let you all go first.
Emily H.
08:48:34 PM
This is a question for both Ms. Brown and Mr. Pimpton. Will a day student miss a big part of Lawrenceville life as compared to a boarding student?
Sure, OK, So what I would say to that Miss Brown is we were if I go back to March of this year when we found out the news that we got accepted to Lawrenceville is probably the best day of our year without question. It was exciting. Lawrenceville was by far the choice that we want in this entire process. And I'll tell you what. Again, not unlike Teresa and Gregory's comments, Anthony drove the entire process. This is extremely new to us.
Entire boarding school process brand New World for the Russell family and for lots of reasons I don't have time to talk about. Anthony drove that process and we learned about a few different schools here and there and we and and we got acceptance from Morrisville and it was great because we wanted this choice. Number one. That diversity of this school. We're a multicultural family. MyHeritage is Irish Italian. My wife is Filipino Jordanian. So we have a lot of cultures in our in our world and we saw the multiculturalism.
That Lawrenceville offered. And it was unlike any other. The schools we were looking at. And so for us, that was a huge draw. The second one, I know, Gregory you mentioned it was the Harkness, and that was big for us. Learning about that process of learning, which we found to be absolutely amazing. And I know Steve, you mentioned it about the the rigor of the academics. Massive, I think anybody on this call, probably your child, son or daughter, are probably fantastic academically in this school.
Will challenge the best of them and we're and we're we're finding that in talking to Anthony right now. So I mean, those are a few of the reasons that we were so thrilled for Lawrenceville. Not some mention all the history and the beautiful campus and the sports. I mean, you name it, but those are a few of the things that I would say what really draws this school just to add to Sean, I think it was the combination of so many factors the size of the school, the offering of the course is the athletics, the extracurriculars, and.
And really, the contacts that we had made at the school Miss Brown obviously is is another fine staff member. We had met many people and actually some other families had also reached out and supported us through the process as well. So it was just overall not feeling, you know, Teresa. Just like you, we kind of went OK. Sure go ahead apply and you know it was there drive.
Dana Brown
08:50:51 PM
Emily -- good question... we will get Steve to answer that in at some point in his next response .
And that's why I'm just so amazed and in awe of their of their success and their drive being so young and just knowing where they wanted to go. So thank you.
And in Lacey family in on.
How have you been able to keep in touch? Have you all set up some days or evenings when you want him to call home? Do they call home? You know, that's the other way to school. And I never hear from him again. And you think that's a bad thing? No, no, but tell us how you want.
We were prepared to not hear from him 'cause many parents had said don't feel bad if they don't answer your calls, they're busy.
I will tell you we someone in the House has communicated with Eli, mostly through text every day.
And you know he communicates with our children. They text all the time. You know we have this family group chat and so they text about silly stuff about wrestling. And you know, how was. But it's it's good to see 'cause I was concerned about. I did not want. I said two things. I don't want anything to Trump before he left, I said your faith in your family. I said those are things that we will fight to maintain. And I said, you know, that is my biggest concern.
And boy we talked to him all the time. I realized though you do have to find the right time to call, get to know their schedule and know when they're in the room and you take those 10 minutes you know. And but technology helps a ton. It helps a ton because he will text me or text me a picture. Mom, can you send me this and it will say the exact place I am to find it to send it on Amazon.
That's great, it's Steve welcome. Please see you now I see.
And my wife texted me to tell me that maybe the toggle on my camera was, you know, off and so it's completely my fault. I moved the toggle and now it works. So here I am.
That's alright Steve. You were right on time. You were right on time, Steve. The big question. I always getting every single one of these day information sessions that we had been doing since July.
Well, the day students miss out on anything by not being boarders. Can you talk to us real about honesty?
Uh, no, and that is something that was important to us in throughout this process. Was you know, would Teddy feel you know, separate from the other kids? Because I think Dana. What is it about 2/3 of the kids? 2/3 of the kids are boarding something like that.
Right, so it is important to us that Teddy didn't feel somehow like separate from most of the school and so we, you know, queried a lot of parents. We because we live locally and we know you know other families whose kids are older. You know to a person people told us. Don't worry about it. The day students are completely integrated into the school and that is been our experience for sure and we have not heard differently from anyone else. In fact, as a day student parent.
You know you need to be prepared for the fact you're going to see your kid a lot less so you know Ted leaves, you know, in the morning you know the kids lot of the day, students you know get breakfast, lunch and dinner there. I mean, Ted tends to not get breakfast at school, but goes early to make it there for, you know, before class. Is there all day up until you know. Usually the kids start study hall, the border starts study hall I. I think it's 8 to 10 and somewhere in the study.
All period, he'll then, you know, come home. We have friends whose whose sons or daughters actually stay there even later and don't get home till like 11:00 PM.
We don't see him that much and then you know he he comes home and then he's you know he's getting to work.
So I guess short answer your question. Tina is absolutely the day students are completely part of the campus. I mean, the only difference is you know where you put your head at night.
Absolutely thank you Steve. That's were helpful because you we we wanted to emphasize that this they're all Laurentians, right? They're all Lawrenceville students at the end of the day when they're sitting in class doing anywhere from 2 to maybe four hours of homework. And for families, at some point you can drop in. You know how many hours of homework you think on average, your child is done since they've been here, 'cause that seems to be a reoccuring question coming up, but they're all.
Part of it and a part of the school community, and probably spend more weekends here. Sort of day. Students are coming back every weekend 'cause all their friends are here and all the events are happening on campus. So day family, you don't have to worry about being had that being a separate thing. Let's go jump into some other deeper questions here that we have. Families are really curious about the.
Peace on homesickness, right? Or if there were any points during the very beginning of this process where you know you called and maybe they were a little down. And how did you sort of manage that? What are some things and if they weren't home sick, maybe you were homesick for them? Who knows? But how did you handle that? That that part of you know the first couple of weeks of not having them around? So Natalie is Sean, I see you all shaking your head so cold.
Giorgi M.
08:57:02 PM
These are great questions, Ms. Brown.
I think we had a more difficult time than our child did it. We have, actually we're empty nesters now. 'cause my our older son is off to college as well in the US. So we look at each other and think you know where did they go? Where did the time go for our child? I think you know the process was really we thought he would be home sick and he really wasn't. He loved and he was just so busy.
Ethan S.
08:57:42 PM
This is Shelly, Ethan Sbarro's mom.
Jasmine A.
08:57:50 PM
Are day students aloud to stay overnight on campus?
Aadit S.
08:57:53 PM
Hello! Can Day kids shift to boarding or vice versa?
You know, as Steve had mentioned, from 8 to, you know, ten o'clock at night. They are running right. They are in an activity. They are structured and they may not have the time and by the time the the days over, you know you may get a text goodnight, love you, and then the morning it's good. Have a great day and you know we try as well ceresa and and. And as Steve mentioned, to even just find 5 minutes 10 minutes just before study hall or you know.
Right after class before athletics, it's really trying. I have his schedule up in front of my desk here because it's trying to find that one scheduled time that I could get a little phone calling but for him I think it was just a matter of missing.
Dana Brown
08:58:29 PM
We don't make the shift from day to boarding unless it is a major circumstance.
Come home a little bit missing his friends at home, but again, I think All in all we've had a more difficult time than he himself and I would just add, I know, I know Siri. So you mentioned this earlier about technology and you know the amazing thing with technology is that our kids everybody on this call all of us on the panel of the ability to stay in touch with their friends no matter where they are their family, no matter where they are. And so we are blessed in a way that you know we, we don't have to rely on a phone call.
We were quick text or a quick email, whatever that may be, but the technologies really helped us as well.
That's great and these four years go by so fast. I hate to say it, but after working at 433 different boarding schools every year, I get to this point and I just want to save her all my moments with parents in their first year and their kids 'cause the next time we'll be together. Or be you know, who knows? Graduation and other parents began and will say, remember that time when and you just enjoy the the moments that we all have together. So I appreciate you.
You know from again being here tonight, let's move into a few more questions in the chat. I'm getting some buzz about balance, right we we talked a lot about kids running at a pretty fast pace, homework number out. I don't know how many additional numbers of hours of homework they've had in comparison to what they were used to at their homes of their previous school. But talk to me about how you will balance and sort of support them from a distance or even day-to-day with with.
Teddy coming home at night. Certainly. Steve is a little bit different or Greg and I'm gonna have you start with this one. What sort of advice do you have for families and what have you been able to? You and Siri have been able to do with Eli to help him balance when he may call home and say I've got this, this, this, this, this and this to do.
I I will say that the thing about that helps with that balance, and in many ways it's easier being at boarding school than it is at home.
Aadit S.
09:00:53 PM
Also, is there a reason why interviews for Day Students are conducted earlier and much before even the application is due?
It's because the environment is very structured. They have a designated study time. They have obviously class time, so there is this structure that is there that honestly you try to fight for his best you can at home, but it's complicated by you running them, taking them to soccer or lacrosse, coming back, trying to get dinner, and then sit down and and study. You know, so it actually allows for a more focused effort on the students.
Part because it's like everything that you wanted to do or you did as a parent as a non border is under one roof.
So it's been a pleasant and welcoming surprise.
Thank you John and Natalie. Anything that add to that?
Dana Brown
09:01:41 PM
Aadit -- yes -- because boarding families from out of state tend to interview later and we wanted to get you all in early .. you are local and can get here.
I would definitely agree ceresa. I think the fact that all of the students are in the same boat and following that same schedule it makes it a little bit easier than at home. You know we were running for hockey. We were running back to, you know you're eating dinner in the car. You don't have that and you have the athletic structured. There are times they know when and where they need to be every minute from Monday to Saturday. So I think for them.
It is, you know, it is a matter of it is tough it the regular, the rigor. It is heavy lifting but I think they are now in a groove and I think you know coming into exams they feel. I hope they feel after this week. You know, just in chatting with with our son is you know he's feeling good. He's feeling confident in the first couple of weeks. He was a little, you know, inundated. Not knowing what was happening and.
And just the workload, and I think working through that process and the support through the advisor through the head of House. That is absolutely we are. We are grateful for that not being actually, you know, with our son and being able to walk him through or to help him as we would if he were at home. So we are very grateful for the support and the one thing I would add to them is Brown is you had asked the question. I know people are asking about sort of the time around homework and what we're finding with Anthony is.
It's a consistent 3 hours a day, yeah? I mean, that's that's what he's putting in. And and in order to get out the results that he wants. So finding in the study hall is phenomenal. For that. It helps out tremendously. As Ceresa said, the structure of the whole process is absolutely amazing. And as Natalie alluded to, you know we're we're foregoing. But getting in the car, driving around stuff so they are there on campus doing all those things in a structured manner, which really helps out.
Consultation periods yes.
And Steve in in that same space, you know, do you feel as though Teddy it's has utilized say the when they called the conference periods or the pop operation period? So let's talk a little bit more about that and how that's been helpful for him. If he's utilized those at all and sort of balancing out that work in in general.
Yeah, so to our delight we learned from Teddy that he's been taking advantage of those consultation periods. You know, it's really up to the kids, so the consultation periods. I think every day you know Dana, you can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think every day in their schedule there is a free slash consultation period where the kids basically have an option to go see a teacher.
Or teachers during that period to get extra support or ask extra questions. And you know it's something. It's up to the kids and you know, Teddy, you know, told us. One day. I don't know when it was. We don't see him that much. It must have been some time. Like you know, on a Sunday or something we're talking to him and it came out that he's been using the consultation periods, you know, and he's found them very helpful. So that's great. Now it's not all kids use them. Some kids that they just want to put their feet up during that time and.
You know it's an option in terms of.
You know, in terms of balance.
Gosh, I mean to sort of echo what some of the other parents are saying. It's a full load. I mean, this is it's, you know, the kids are challenged between sports and and you need to. You need to play a sport even if you're not playing like a varsity or JV sport. You're doing some activity and clubs and you know classes and social life. You know you actually still want to mingle with your peers and getting meals like and there's a lot going on, but these kids, it is well structured.
For them, and I think it's I think it's good for all the kids to learn time management. The good thing for us as a parents is you know, to some of the other parents points. I mean, we suddenly have a lot more free time, frankly because we don't have to drive him to and fro places. Or, you know, manage his schedule. He needs to manage it himself.
And then may I add something to that two things about the running around that I think all parents can talk about how that gets a little heavy.
Being at boarding school has allowed us to have even richer conversations with Eli because now you are not so haggard with all of the activity, or sometimes you didn't get to talk as much as you wanted to. We can really zero in a lot on the meat and the fun of parenting, and that was a surprise I didn't expect to have that and the other thing I want to say. That yes, Lawrenceville.
This stuff academically and it is very structured, which we think is great, but they do a great job at balancing the structure and the rigor with enjoying life to its not so driven as I have heard. Some students say from other schools where it is just to the point where it can begin to affect a persons especially young kids psyche.
Uh, they have a a good balance with that. However they're doing it. They have a method and it's working where the kids are happy they are socially engaged and even though their schedules are so packed, all of it isn't just do the work. Do the work, do the work, do the work and it's breeding better students, I think.
And Greg, when were you surprised that Lawrenceville was actually that place of balance as you were looking at all these different schools with Eli? And he was recently looking at schools together. Were you surprised that that balance was was here now that you're on on this side, is that something that?
You left the very beginning of this. Didn't think would be, and now that you were here, but sort of surprised you know it.
I'm we've got some other quick questions. I want to just do some, just have you all go down the line and we want to start with Steve this time and then go to Natalie and then back to Greg and Serissa. Tell us what clubs, activities, things that your your children have joined since they've been here on campus. If you can remember, what are some things that they're liked up to? Either do this term or next term. So Steve, I'm going to start with you.
Jose M.
09:09:54 PM
Hello! How many sports or clubs are students required to participate in?
I'm sorry I'm laughing because the there was a I think one day where they do a sort of a club fair and all the students that run the various clubs or sort of advertising their club to the kids. And I guess the students did such a good job of advertising their clubs right and and or there's legitimately a bunch of really cool offerings that Teddy came home and he said mom dad I signed up for 42 clubs.
Dana Brown
09:10:09 PM
this one is for you JOSE !!
Drew P.
09:10:19 PM
Are there avenues boarding parents can connect virtually? This is Matt, Drew's dad..
Dana Brown
09:10:31 PM
HEYYYY!!! Denver !!!!
And we said, love the enthusiasm. I think we're gonna need to pare that down. So at this point I think he's he's really seriously doing. Like you know, three or four clubs. But yeah, for him it's a. It's an interesting mix. So one that I, you know, I think I think he's doing a weightlifting club. Obviously kids that are going to you know, lift weights together. Another club he's doing on the encouragement of his math teacher has.
A math competition. It's a math club.
Dana Brown
09:10:57 PM
Drew -- happy to put you in touch ;email me. thanks for logging in.
Add another club he's doing is we we, we foster dogs and our family, and so he has a special love. He's grown a special love for you know that mission of helping like you know rescue animals so he volunteers for a club that does that type of work and I think there's one other one. But I I forget what it is on the on the minute hand so. But there's I will say though.
That has been something that is really neat about Lawrenceville is not only is are there? You know a bunch of really cool, you know courses you can take even the standard you know, sort of core curriculum courses are so rich and well taught, but there are there's such a amazing offering of clubs. I mean such a wide variety of clubs you could sort of do anything.
So our son, he played boys freshman soccer, which he absolutely loved. And and this term he is playing hockey and hopefully in this spring will be playing baseball in terms of clubs. The same Steve at the club night he actually had missed it because he was in Boston for a hockey tournament. So when he found out of the list I think he had sent emails out to 20 and I said OK, tone it down a little bit and choose a couple. So we ended up joining the investment club.
Which they're doing, I guess. A stock market challenge which is trying to get advice from Dad. So that was interesting and and and I think All in all, there's just. There's so much there's there's not a shortage of opportunities for sure.
At least he's how about for you.
Eli has done ice skating, uhm?
He's doing wrestling now and it was one more thing he did and these were things that he had not done that he's loved and so he was the ballboy for the girls and boys soccer team. He's like, mom. I'm not the best ball boy, but I'm I'm OK, I'm getting better.
But he enjoyed it. It was fun and he came to Lawrenceville. We mentioned the hardness. The other reason was the performing arts. That was big and he looked. And so now he just tried out for the freshman Shakespeare play. And he made the cast. And so that's really the thing that he's gonna focus on. You know, going forward as far as extracurricular.
I can't remember anything else Greg if there's.
All the issues that he needs.
Yeah, that's usually how it comes down to. Not enough hours in the day, so we are at the 15 minute mark and I think I'm going. I think we've, and most of the questions that we had from our early or parents who had logged in earlier, so I feel comfortable we're gonna stop there. But I am going to go to the chat and just have you on just calling a couple parents to and ask some general.
To answer a few questions. So here we go. This is this is interesting. All right. We already addressed Ethan's question about day families, work life balance on that. And here's another question that's popping up from will see. He wants to know about the feedback that you get from.
The dorm parents and what sort of emotional support has been there for your child since they started.
I'm has anyone had conversations with their advisor or maybe a coach or a teacher and Steve, I'll have you take that and then I'll go with Natalie on the next one and then Lacey. I'm gonna have you talk a little bit more about parents weekend and what that was like for you as well. So Steve, give us a little insight on you know the advising piece and how that connection has been for the family and anything else around in their academic support, general social, emotional support. You want to know about the support.
Will C.
09:15:34 PM
What has the feedback about dorm life/room-mates and academic and emotional support been from the kids since they've started?
Yeah well, there's a ton UM, so great thing about Lawrenceville is, you know it is a campus that is filled with very capable loving adults. So every student has an advisor and the advisor for Teddy has been, you know, true great Touchstone. You know they.
Dana Brown
09:15:47 PM
there you go Will... all for you ...
You know he meet meets with him, you know, on a regular basis, you know text with him. If there's any concerns like we can email him, he can email us, but there's other adults in in, in Teddy's life, which is great too. I mean, each of his teachers, you know they're they're wonderful. I mean, we had the parent teacher conferences, so we talked to him about it. Like, you know, as I referenced earlier. There's this consultation period. And the teachers you know will sit down and go through any issues or questions and the kids have.
Uhm also OK, we have the head of freshman.
Ethan S.
09:16:49 PM
Do day students have a work/life balance? Do you feel that they are able to participate in activities outside of school?
Varun V.
09:16:51 PM
Do students adapt to the Harness approach easily or does it take some time to adjust?
Peer Kooistra sends a regular update to the parents, and he's very accessible, telling about how the kids are doing just overall OK, including social, emotional. Each of the kids is assigned to a dorm, so it you know even a day student if you don't, even though you're not, you know. Spending the night in the dorm, you're assigned to a dorm, and so the in addition to the advisor, I mean, Teddy also has a few of the the dorm. I'm not sad.
Like sort of the head of the dorm Doxey and Mr. Cross, I forget what their official titles are, but you know they're there and accessible for both Teddy and for us as parents and you know. Also, I will say Teddy plays some.
Dana Brown
09:17:23 PM
Ethan and Varun -- your answers are embedded in some of what we discussed. Is there anything else you need us to clarify ?
I didn't mention before, but he plays in the winter squash and in the spring golf in the fall because he doesn't play a, you know a varsity sport. He actually did ice skating as well, so he he probably had skated with. I guess that the laceys kids, but so that because Teddy, where I'm going with this is because Teddy plays.
Squash his team has started practicing together and his squash coach, you know is hangs out with the kids before and after they hit together to just talk to them about how are things going. So I mean.
It's a, it's a really a good community feel. It's well, I should say. Also, I'm sorry. Just remember this point is Pearson US and sent all the parents an email to let them know that all the kids met with the I guess the official professional psychologists on staff counselors on staff to let them know, you know, the resources that are available. You know, as far as we know, Teddy hasn't availed himself with that. But as I said, there's an advisor. There's the house parents.
Shrikar G.
09:18:21 PM
How often do guidance counsellors/advisors and or teachers keep in touch with parents or is it all student led
Uhm, there's the coaches and you know the teachers themselves. There's just a lot of people who are there to be supportive to the to the you know, your children. Also to the parents.
Thank you very much, so hopefully that answered a few questions on the chat live and then I was, I promise to bounce over to Natalie and Sean to sort of round that out of it too.
I would absolutely agree Steve we were.
Impressed with the connection that Anthony had made with many of his adult mentors right, the advisor, the teachers and head of house, and when we were there for parents weekend and having these discussions with the staff, we were amazed how quickly they were engaged with the student and how you know. Obviously there are child. We know them and they were able to pick up on much of what their drivers and and.
Dana Brown
09:19:29 PM
SG--- as much as you need... you heard the parents reference -- how engaged these adults are with your child ; text messages and emails from the head of the grade.
So some of the challenges or needs that they had and they truly cared, you know. And that was to me was more touching than any right, and I think you know Siri. So you touched on. And the holistic approach of not just worrying about the grades, the grades, the grades, but the learning. The well being ensuring that they're happy and you know, we just an example. We actually came to a soccer game.
Dana Brown
09:20:04 PM
I have not forgot about INTERNATIONAL families .... we will get to you soon !
And we didn't tell Anthony that we were actually going to be there, so we were kind of hiding behind a tree 'cause he would die of embarrassment. So uhm, the coaches actually came out and ran out to us and shook her hand and chatted with us. And we were just, you know, it's just it's a real family. It's a community and we feel that warmth every time we came to campus. And so I feel so much more comfortable leaving, you know, our son and him being there and knowing that he's a part of this community.
And so recent and Greg, you all came up for parents weekend, right? That's another time when families feel like they can. Both families become the campus. Usually anytime folks. This is not the place we could just drop them off and you don't see him again until June long. Gone are those days because you have to come get your children because we need a break, right?
That's why you to write those letters and those advisers who were getting in touch with you. And all those people you feel like who's gonna talk to my kid? How am I gonna get those people need some down time so you'll be on time and picking up your child and so one of those weekends is parents weekend and so recent great tell us a little bit about parents weekend and then I want to make sure Natalie Sharma. Mining talk about international students because there are a lot of questions on here on parenting from a very very far distance out of this country.
And what are some things that will go to the international student question after we finished with Greg and Serissa telling us about parents weekend?
OK, first of all, that weekend was just a beautiful weekend. I mean just a beautiful beginning of fall type day weather was great and Lawrenceville the campus looked so pretty as the leaves were changing and just it was just very dramatic and poetic guy we all thought and we made it kind of families weekend 'cause our two children. We have three children. Their year part they all came up and Eli was being the Ballboy and the best thing that we saw.
Is when we parked. Eli didn't see us and our kids got out of the car and saw him and they cut off over across the field and just ran, ran and just be like turn around and hug him like you're supposed to be at the you know, ballpark and they hugged and I'm thinking I'm being the mom getting the video and realized that I didn't push record.
James O.
09:22:10 PM
Interested if your children are living in singles or doubles in the freshman dorm. Any thoughts about either having a roommate or not.
But the parents weekend was very eye opening. It solidified a lot of the things that we have all said as parents on the panel tonight it gave us another feeling of our child is in great hands and our child is so happy.
Dana Brown
09:22:41 PM
James -- best part of LVILLE -- they all get singles....
My other children again we were stressing. Like I said, the communications and the family bond strengthening they saw. Eli hugged and took off. We didn't see them for hours. The three of them. He showed them the campus with so much excitement and you know they were gone and the play there was a play there that night. The Addams family that really was Broadway style. Not kidding. It was phenomenal.
Uhm, so just the the breadth of things that are offered and the quality at which it's done. Lastly, I will say that we also we have two graduating seniors from high school this year and we were actually able to attend some of the conferences to get great information that we needed to know for other kids, you know. So it's just a wealth of information and it's not just for the student, it's also for the parent.
There's a lot that we are learning about education.
Great, thank you very much. Alright so Natalie and Sean, let's let's unpack a little bit more of this international student piece because the questions coming in are where do they go during long breaks and how? How are they, you know, sort of cared for. I guess you know, I I, the questions are more. You all will become host families at some point. That's the best part about being labeled. They'll go right across street to Teddy's house. You know, that's fine? Would you all end up?
But I'm sure that you for longer breaks, especially coming from a distance. Have you found yourself needing to utilize some local families for him to stay for a long weekend or even permissions to go off campus for the weekend at all?
Yes, so I'll answer this in a couple of ways. So given that our our Thanksgiving in Canada's a little earlier in October, we've got the US Thanksgiving coming up. That's going to be about a 10 day break for Anthony. Of course, he's coming home. One of the great things with Lawrenceville is that they help international students get around, so they help arrange them getting back to Canada. In this case, we the border, the border is now open, which thankfully, it's finally here.
Ningrong X.
09:25:48 PM
with covid pandamic what is the expectation for international travel for the kids in summer?
You can drive if we need to for us from home. It's actually just under 8 hours drive so not that bad. It's it's very doable, so there's lots of ways for us to get to and from Lawrenceville for Anthony, if we needed him to stay somewhere we really haven't made those connections yet. If we needed that, but I don't think we will, given the fact that we can get to and from within about an 8 hour period of time just to add to that, on support wise we have had old.
Other families help out because we couldn't get down to New Jersey, we needed to meet him in Boston and so other families that were on the hockey team and about she brought him to Boston to meet us. So that was very helpful. We also have a a local. He has a local friend across the street as well Steve, so you probably know them and he's I've reached out.
Dana Brown
09:26:59 PM
Ningrong X -- happy to have you email :
The moon stayed there and and hung out with his friends, but lots of support around. I know some of the international students there was one weekend where they all were together and they all kind of, you know there was a child from Mexico and there was a child from Dubai and our child and they kind of hung out so it was. It was nice and it didn't feel that you know they were kind of left alone. The head of houses. I'm sorry the house parent was there. There still is support and and people still caring for them.
When others may leave this without question and you know, given our proximity to to New Jersey from Toronto, I'm sure there's families in the US that are much further than we are. For example, we know some kids on the hockey team from California, so there's a bigger divide there than you know, actually, where we are so internationally speaking, it's not a big deal for us. The Canadian US border really easy, and it's it's very smooth.
And so for my international families, you've heard that essentially we will find a place for them to go for a shorter break, right? Yeah, their homes are always open. This is the least of your worries. If anything, it's it's a matter of when they come to visit you, for you know, graduation weekend. That's usually what happens. Seniors get old again. They get excited and they want to go backpacking through name that country. So get ready for that trip too. 'cause that's really good thing.
The next couple questions, and we've got a few more minutes before this. This system sort of takes us away from families. Want to know what did you do between the time you submitted the application?
And decision day, how did you fill that time and how did you prepare them for the results? Or you know.
We anticipating what what did you anticipate and not, and how did you prepare them for that possible?
On rejection in a way that that's a tough word to say, but that's life in general, and so some tips on how did you manage the period between the time of you submitted the application and decision day.
See, you want to go to mom. We go with Greg and services start there and then we'll go to Steve and then end with the Brussels.
We were calling from two different places.
Alexander S.
09:29:01 PM
Once everything is settled down, how often do we get to see our kids?
Vickie M.
09:29:05 PM
Can they get support from school if they can't go back home during long holidays such as Thanksgivings, spring holidays due to travel control for international students especially at this pandemic period? Thank you!
We focused on enjoying the process honestly step by step and we just embraced the journey that Eli was in and I remember Eli saying, you know what? Mom he he only applied to four schools.
And he had his top choice, which was Lawrenceville.
Eshan T.
09:29:15 PM
Hello This is Eshan's mom. He is applying to 11th grade which I guess will be more intense. I have a question about Time management. Are you as parents still helping your child to manage his time remotely or is he able to manage it on his own with help of his peers and advisors?
And he said, you know what? Mom, I'm very thankful that I am in a great school district now. And you know, for the closeness of my family.
He said I really want to go to Lawrenceville, but I'm gonna give it my very best.
Dana Brown
09:29:54 PM
Eshan -- this is a very specific question -- can we find a parent to answer this for you off-line.
I will be at peace to do my best wherever I am and then I will try again. Those were his words and honestly, the approach that we had as parents, not just about Lawrenceville but in general, is to tell them. Shoot for the stars. But these stars don't define yourself worth.
And so we kept it in perspective.
As we went through the process, but of course we all screamed in some video when he got his letter.
Dana Brown
09:30:48 PM
Vickie M and others who asked about INTL Families --- I hope that answers your question about INTL families
Yeah, I just echo with the the Lacey said. I mean we were really focused, you know first and foremost about really doing your best and embracing the whole application process and we did feel like that process just just going through the application had enormous value for Ted getting to know himself and for us getting to know Ted in a different way. Now it is tough because once you submit the application.
Obviously you want to get in and it's you leaving it in other people's. You know hands, and I guess we just did. You know, for for our situation, you know we really felt like you know Ted applied to like four or five local schools and we genuinely felt like you can't go wrong, right? These are all, I mean, we're blessed to, you know, live in an area where there are. There's a lot of great schools, and so we're, you know, we said.
What our message was. We're all trying our best to find the school that's the best fit for you. OK, we're trying to discern that you're trying to discern that the admissions officers at the school or trying to discern you know, is this the best fit for you, and you know what? No one really knows for sure. We're all just trying our best. It's an imperfect process, and you know what you'll end up going to high school somewhere and you're going to, you know, make the most of it. And absolute worst case, if it turns out you don't.
Like it, I mean, this was our message. It doesn't mean it has to be anyone elses message, but you know absolute worst case, you know you could apply for sophomore year or junior year. I mean, there's no like you know nothing has to be completely permanent, but it's tough. I mean just it. This is tough. It's you know, it's it's scary to apply. I mean, I can't imagine.
I I'm having trouble remembering what it was like being, you know, whatever 1314 years old and applying and you can you know it's hard enough as an adult applying for a job. And my gosh, if you get rejected, you know it's tough, but this is it's a great learning process for everyone.
Sure, I I would just add and I would agree with the panel. I think the process you know from when you hit send to the the acceptance date is you know it was a reflection period for us as a family to really reflect on and how proud we were of him to find these opportunities to have followed it from start to end and to have driven the whole process.
It was that reflection about ourselves as a family. About, you know our son, but the entire process we as well reiterated. You tried your best, whatever happens, happens at the end of the day. You know you still are our son. We love you, and regardless what happens. I will admit though, the night before with there was not a lot of sleep happening in this House.
I I think I went down in the basement that night. Actually I watched TV talking six in the morning, but I will add this and it's really important. I think Greg touched on this and I think it's important that no one event is going to dictate you know our children's worth or our own words for that matter. But I will say this.
Uhm, it was a process that opened our eyes and no matter what the outcome was going to be to actually have gone through all that to have met the people we met on the zoom calls to go through the essays and I'll tell you one part of it that really made us so proud. Was everybody on this call probably knows you need to get some referral letters for your children and to hear some of the words that other people are speaking. I mean, we eat, you know our kids. Of course. We're all proud of our kids, but to me that.
In and of itself was rewarding regardless if he had got in or not. Obviously we were thrilled he did get accepted, but to just hear some of the words from others really, really put a a new light on everything for us. So it was. It was a wonderful process all all around.
Well, I think we're going to sort of wrap up and end on that. Note I need to just once again thank my parents and and wanted I cannot tell you how excited I am to see you all again, but for sure, thank you so much for spending your Sunday evening with us and and you're doing this from the road, Greg. I know you were traveling and and have made this possible. And again, Russell. Thank you and Steve. Thank you as well for being available. I'd love to perhaps if if you have a.
Conrad and Rebecca Plimpton P'25
09:35:59 PM
A personal email address if you'd like to follow up with any of the parents who have some lingering questions here, I'd love to pass those on to you. If you wouldn't mind, so you can just reply back to me and let me know what email address to use. Hopefully parents. We we think that we are trying to provide as much content for you as possible during this time so you can get a a much clearer view, but at least be more informed as you begin to make some choices between different schools. Many of these schools are probably.
Probably applying to or or very competitive and have admit rates that are likely less than 17% on some averages, and so I encourage you to think very broadly in this process. To you know, we all certainly want to love and have seen. Look at Lawrenceville. But the reality, after working in four different schools, three different schools with incredibly competitive admit race, the one thing that we don't tell you is how to manage life after March 10th, right? And life after March 10th is essentially that point of view.
How do you prepare and balance and you heard our parents tonight? Talk about what that meant for them and how they work that out. So hopefully you were able to get some information on how to to just take it easy, but also move forward with whatever the outcome will be.
Again, thank you all so much. This ends our our panel and I want to say thanks again to all my parents. Thank you thank you, thank you. We'll have you log out. Please safe stay healthy and I'll look forward to seeing you all on campus very soon. My current parents so thank you.
Goodnight, thank you, that's wonderful.
You're welcome, thank everybody. Take care.
Awesome thanks guys. Well Rachel thank you so much.
So that was fun. We gonna do it again. You know, we don't have. You have your stupid appearance at some other point, so we'll make sure we get some payroll.
It was great anytime. Thanks so much. You take care of yourself. Feel better.
I will thank you so much. I Prince will go thank you.